
I have not written in over a week.Where have I been and what have I been up to? Well these are the good things I have been doing here lately.

  • Hospitals, having people in all four of the Augusta Hospitals has been really time consuming but Jesus always loved, prayed and hung out with sick people and so shall I.
  • Ball games, Rebecca, Cason and I have been at a bunch of Soccer and football games. Cason loves being out and playing with the other children there.
  • Speaking seems like every week I was getting a chance to speak some sort of event.
  • Sermons, my sermon prep time has been shorter and more sporadic, but God has blessed what time I have had.
  • Spending time with Rebecca and Cason. I schedule this time, especially when I know I am going to be busy. I am not going to ask people to put their families over work and then not practice it myself.
  • Reading God’s word and praying. I also realize that first mistake people make is when time gets short is cut out time with, God when in fact it is in our busyness that we need it most.

These are things that I have not been doing a good job lately.

  • Exercising, have not been on my bike in a month. I do my “prefect” push-ups in my office, every time I get up. I try to do a 100 a day, better than nothing. When I don’t have cardio regularly I start to feel sluggish.
  • Eating right, being in my car I have been hitting Krystal way to much. I go to through the drive through and get 5 Krystal’s and water for 3.68. To my credit, I have not gotten any mustard on a dress shirt yet. Then with all the candy in the church from fall festival, I have found way too many Kit-Kats.
  • Worrying, I try to not worry, does not productive and is Biblically wrong, but have been struggling to trust God to manage my time and run our church.
  • Blogging or writing I just have not had any extra time to write. I miss it; I really enjoy expressing what God is doing in my life and desires to do in the live of others.

So, I plan on being back in November and writing regular again. Thanks for the prayers and the support.

Glad October Is Over, But Thankful God Let Serve Him Daily, Pastor Phillip