
Cute, Sweet, Baby Jesus

A.W. Tozer “What comes to mind when you think about God is the most important think about you.” The same is true for Jesus: and our perception and understanding will affect every part and aspect of our lives. For many people when they think Jesus about Jesus, they think manger and baby Jesus and that is not wrong, just incomplete. Imagine you doing a jig-saw puzzle and you only have a few pieces put together, it maybe pretty, but it is at best very incomplete. Why do all kinds of people celebrate Christmas? Why do most people seem to love little baby Jesus? I think because Jesus as a baby can place no demands on your life. Now, believe me I know that babies do demand a lot of time and money. But, I am saying that when people’s conception of Jesus is that of a small child and not the risen Lord of the universe, their willingness to bend their knee in respect, submission and admiration greatly decreases.

To them Little Baby Jesus appears as a story that happened a long time ago in a land far, far, away! Our celebration of Christmas is not the yearly reenacting of a fairly tale, but the celebration of a real historical birth: of the most important birth ever recorded. Jesus is alive today as we know He conquered the grave. Nothing else can explain the failure of the Jews to produce a body, the radical change in the disciples, and the post-cross appearances. Scripture also says that he currently upholding our entire universe by His power (Col 1:13-22) To some people Jesus as a baby is cute and cuddly wrapped up and out in the cold. I have no doubt Jesus was a cute child, but that cute child’s most important moment came when He looked his worst. It is the image of the bloody savior that people don’t like to dwell on or think about. When the Passion of Christ came out many said it was too graphic. We have to face this painful and graphic reality when we see that baby who was born to bleed. Your enjoyment of Christmas is all because of Jesus: Virgin Birth, Sinless life, Brutal Cross, Resurrection, and Ascension to heaven. Keep a fully developed picture of Jesus in your mind this Christmas.

Have a great Christmas, Pastor Philip

BTW: the picture is to prove my point, not showcase great Christian art. But, the bird is a nice touch.


  1. Anonymous said...

    How sweet. He really WAS 8 lbs 6 oz. Although, I like to picture my Jesus with wings on stage with Lynard Skynard. :-)

  2. Anonymous said...

    Don't forget the great theologian Cal Naughton Jr. "I like to think of Jesus as wearin' a Tuxedo T-shirt, 'cause it says, like, "I want to be formal, but I'm here to party too." I like to party, so I like my Jesus to party."

  3. Anonymous said...

    baby Jesus probably did not have a watermelon for a head like this cat does... plus he was not Caucasian.. cmon people!!

    Phillip, have a great christmas. What are you up to Friday night?