
Far Reaching Illness

This few days have been awful. We got hit with a fairly massive stomach bug. I will spare you all the details because we all pretty much know what is involved. But, it all started with Rebecca getting sick Friday afternoon. Well, later Friday night Cason feel victim. I started to become very scared, two vomiting, so I called for help and my mom came down that night, thanks mom! I felt good Saturday, but Sunday morning 2:45 it hit me. I had to call Kyle at 3 am and email him my sermon so he could look it over and preach it (I hear he preached it far better than I would have anyway!) So, Sunday with Rebecca and me both sick, we called her mom to come pick up Cason and get him out of our mess as he was feeling better. About that time we find my mom is sick. Well, then Rebecca’s mom after keeping Cason got sick. This morning my sister is sick. Rebecca and I feel better but feel awful about the aftermath we have left. We never intended to make everyone we love sick.

You know there is a spiritual truth here as well. We cannot control how far reaching the effects of our sin are. We sin and we think no one will know, or if we get caught it only hurt a few people. We are deceiving our selves. The effects of sin hurt everyone who is near and dear to you in life. Don’t but the myth of a “private” life, as we all interconnected and either by our actions and obedience to God will bring happiness and blessing or heartache and curses to those around us. So, live a holy life and think through all your actions as you can never and foresee what those unintended consequences may be.


  1. Diane said...

    We have had the dreaded bug in our home also. It is not fun. Hope you all are feeling back to normal soon!