
African-American Genocide: Who Abortion Kills The Most...

One of my favorite magazines is World Magazine. It covers all areas of news from a clear cut Christian perspective. I am going to recommend you read two well written articles from World Magazine concerning abortion.( Black Genocide and Abotion By Race) I was appalled when presidential candidate Barack Obama was asked by Rick Warren when life begin last week. Obama replied that "that is above my pay grade." Barack is one of the most pro-choice and anti-life senators in the US Senate (Read The Article to see how cold blooded he is). He even went so far as to refuse to protect babies who survived late-term abortions because he did not want to concede as he explained in a cold-blooded speech on the Illinois Senate floor -- that these babies, fully outside their mothers' wombs, with their hearts beating and lungs heaving, were in fact "persons.""Persons," of course, are guaranteed equal protection of the law under the 14th Amendment. I find this odd, that he and many African-Americans are so staunchly democratic and support the anti-life agenda of that party. So, look at these numbers on who abortion truly affect the most!
  • If someone wiped out the entire African-American population in Oakland, Atlanta, and Washington, D.C., the number still wouldn't equal the number of black babies lost to abortion in one year: 683,294.
  • According to the Allan Guttmacher Institute, African-American women are nearly five times more likely than non-Hispanic white women to have an abortion.
  • According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, almost one in every two African-American pregnancies ends in abortion.
  • Black women account for 6 percent of the population, but 56 percent of abortions.
  • Blacks and Hispanics together account for 88 percent of abortions
  • American history books frequently mention the lynching of African-Americans; one count from 1882 to the 1960s records 3,445 blacks dying that way.
    • Other facts, though, go generally unrecorded: Since 1973 the number of aborted African-American babies totals 12 million, and every day in the United States some 1,500 die through abortion.
  • The abortion industry began with a focus on African-Americans in 1939 with Margaret Sanger’s involvement with the Negro Project. Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, supported the project’s mission of promoting sterilization and birth control among African-Americans because she believed that “the procreation of this group should be stopped.”
    • Sanger believed in to embrace eugenics, the pseudo-science that seeks to improve races through the control of hereditary factors by eliminating bad genes from reproductive populations. Sanger wanted to help the African-American community by ridding society of “increasing numbers of defectives, delinquents, and dependents.
Praying For Our Nation & An End To Wholesale Slaughter Of Children, Pastor Phillip


  1. Anonymous said...

    Today Obama accepts the nomination and he is compared to King. Would King support abortion?

    When will someone ask the question of why AA Christians are not pressuring Obama on his anti-life policies? Surely, no Christian can argue for the use of American tax dollars to support abortion.

    If prominent Black Pastors mobilize under an Obama presidency, Can we convince Obama to alter his anti-life agenda?

    Shalonda Johns

  2. Pastor Phillip Howle said...

    Shalonda, thank you for the post. You make a amazing point, I am confident that MLK would want civil rights for the unborn as well he did for all people in the US. This denial of civil rights, the right to life for the unborn is unthinkable. As a Christian, all abortion in unthinkable to me. I think you highlight a a lesson that Christians must learn as well, we follow Jesus and the word of God first. No party loyalty is stinger than the bond of Christ in our lives.

    Thank you and I pray my fellow African-American clergy do stand up for life and the rights of all people!

    Pastor Phillip