
Studying Ezekiel

In my yearly Bible Reading plan, Rebecca and I read the OT once and the NT and Psalms twice. I have been reading Ezekiel for the last few weeks. and we have been in the Prophets for the last few months and many of them speak to the people in exile. That is after Babylon conquered Jerusalem and Judah in 586 bc, they were uprooted from their home and deported to live in Babylon. I found this quote and think it is worth your mulling over as it pertains to you and I living as exiles in this world away from our home in heaven.

Tamara Eskenazi expresses it thus: Exile. It is not simply being homeless. Rather, it is knowing that you do have a home, but that your home has been taken over by enemies. Exile.It is not being with out roots. On the contrary, it is having deep roots which have now been plucked up, and there you are, with roots dangling, writhing in pain, exposed to a cold and jeering world, longing to be restored to native and nurturing soil. Exile is knowing precisely where you belong, but knowing that you can’t go back, not yet.(Currents in Mission and Theology, 1990, 18)

Remember and think on this verse Php 3:20 "but our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ." And pray over 1Pe 2:11 "Dear friends, I urge you as aliens and temporary residents to abstain from fleshly desires that war against you."
What does all this mean to Christians?
What does this mean to non-Christians?
What does this say of our coming future?
What are your thoughts?

Looking Forward To Getting Home To Be With Jesus, Pastor Phillip