
Read Your Bibles Prayerfully!

Read your Bibles prayerfully. This is a crucial lesson that I have had a hard time learning. Being in college, I wanted to read my Bible and learn it. I needed ammunition for late night theological debates. Now, I did learn the stories of Scriptures, I learned some proof-texts for various theological positions, but on the whole the connection with God through His word was not there. It was kind of depressing, I was learning God’s word, but felt that my learning was not leading to more loving of God. Then seminary did not help as the Bible became textbook, it was homework. Again, I learned a lot, I enjoy learning the Bible, but learning that is not leading to loving is missing the point of the word of God. I felt I was living 1 Corinthains 8:1 “Knowledge inflates with pride, but love builds up.” I was not being built up by the love of God, regardless of my ever increasing comprehension of the Biblical text.
Then I found out how to prayerfully read the Scriptures, not so much found some secret, but just slowed down and started praying as I read. I started to read and let God speak to me through His word and then I would speak back. As I read I would things that caused me to rejoice over the God we serve. Then I would look for things that I need to repent of and there are tons that I had to pray about there. Lastly I would look for request to be made on my behalf or on the behalf of others. This little system of Rejoicing, Repenting, Requesting, greatly aided my Bible reading, understanding and application. (This is not original with me; I got from some magazine I read). It also helped a struggling prayer life. I had always read my Bible first, usually for 5 chapters a day, and then prayed a little prayer. I have now found that through this little method I was hearing, speaking, and enjoying God like never before. So, read your Bibles prayerfully. Also, does anyone else have a study method that they would like to share?

Praying you all learn the power and beauty of hearing God speak through His word! Pastor Phillip


  1. Anonymous said...

    So true Phillip. When we go to seminary, we seem to be encouraged to play "Gotcha" with each other. Try to prove your point and argue with folks to get them to see things our/Jesus way. It is when I have studied, struggling with my own issues that God has seemed to speak to me more clearly. I am now fully aware that we never were meant to use the Bible as a hammer to beat folks up, but as a scalpel to get to the hearts of folks. Thanks.