
Bearing One Another's Burden

Share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ.
Galatians 6:2

On Friday, September 5th Cherril Turner took a little jump out a trailer and severely broke her leg. It required surgery, and it is going to require 3 to 4 months of no weight being placed on it. Not an easy task for one person or even for her and Chris, her husband, to handle. Getting out of the house and trying to carry someone who has a majorly broken leg down steps is not easy for anyone involved. But, Chris and Cherril are part of the body of Christ. You see Paul tells us in the above verse, that when one part of the body is hurting, we all hurt. We must all do our part to try and help alleviate that burden. This is a beautiful design God has for the world, but is sadly seldom followed. Well, it was followed on last Friday Night as the Brotherhood here at Antioch went over to Chris and Cherril's house built them a wheelchair ramp. It only took a few hours of time because everyone did their part and worked great together. I love seeing the church do what it is meant to do! Please be in prayer for Cherril and Chris, her leg is healing and Chris is a decent nurse from what I hear!

Pastor Phillip