
Book Of The Week III

I have been immersed in the book of Genesis all week in preparing for Sunday Morning. I have been reading a ton, but most sermon prep reading is sections of commentaries that explain just one portion of Scripture. But, this week I became immersed in a little book by the name of "How To Read Genesis." I almost did not buy the book, because I thought “I know how to read the Bible,” right? But, this book is not a commentary, but a guide to get your mind in the right mindset as you read the book of Genesis.

Now, I had some disagreements with some of the points of the author Tremper Longman III, but he offers great insight. He shows interpretative errors that people are prone to make (treating Genesis though modern scientific paradigms), and thoughts to keep in your mind as you read. Most important of these is the cultural background of the book of Genesis, which includes the other pagan religious creation stories of that day from Babylon, Egypt and Mesopotamia. He says you have to keep in mind constantly the message to the original hearers the Israelites who just been freed from slavery and now are wondering 40 years in the desert. Genesis would establish their beginnings and their understanding of the foundations of the entire world. It also shows the book of Genesis pointing us to Jesus. As my OT prof would tell us in seminary “If a Jewish Rabbi could preach your sermon, you have done something wrong.” The New Testament and Jesus tell us all scripture points to Him. It also offers small sections of commentary to aid in understanding large blocks of scripture. I have found it very valuable and will turn back to it through out our study.

I hope you are excited Sunday Morning at Antioch! Pastor Phillip