
Made Fresh Daily!

I used to frequent a Jewish Daily & Bagel shop named Greenfield's when I was in college (I used to have a cool tie-dyed T-shirt from there, I think my wife disposed of that). Now, I worked next door a clothing store (Oops "Name brand overruns and seconds at discount prices!) so I got to know the folks who worked there very well. So, when they made their fresh bagels every morning, I would get a great big bag of their old ones for a dollar. Now, I was poor and hungry and those Carbs helped me as I tried to fold clothes for 8 hours! They tasted fine, I could tell no difference. But, they made their Bagels fresh everyday. I respect that. Day old was not good enough, so they strove to make them fresh every single day. It might of been easier or cheaper to let them sit for a few days, but no made fresh daily.

Is your walk with God "made fresh daily?" I suspect many people have a day old walk. It is OK, but it consists of Church and maybe a devotion here in there. In the depressing little book of Lamentations, Jeremiah writes that "The LORD'S lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, For His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness." You get that God's love, mercies, forgiveness, compassions, and care for us is made fresh daily! So, since this is the case why are we content to live with day old faith?

This devotion was made fresh this morning especially for you at 5:52 am! Have a great day! Pastor Phillip